Unless otherwise stated, all texts, images, documents, and other content on this site are provided under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license
(Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike).

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  • Share: You may copy, distribute, and transmit the content, provided you credit Ermitaj Malin as the source and include a link to our website.
  • Adapt: You may modify and reuse the content, but any derivative version must be shared under the same license (BY-NC-SA)

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  • Commercial Use Prohibited: You may not use our content for commercial purposes without explicit permission.
  • Lack of Attribution: Any reuse must credit the source.
  • Privatized Derivatives: If you adapt a document or text, you must publish it under the same license (Creative Commons BY-NC-SA).

The images published on this site are either owned by Ermitaj Malin or used with permission. Any reuse, modification, or reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited, unless otherwise stated.

If you wish to use certain images, please contact us for authorization:

The documents provided (guidelines, chart, practical sheets, presentations, etc.) are under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license unless otherwise noted. You are encouraged to use and draw inspiration from them in a non-commercial context, provided you adhere to the following principles:

  • Credit Ermitaj Malin as the source
  • Do not resell or use them for profit
  • Share any modified version under the same license

Ermitaj Malin strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we cannot guarantee the complete absence of errors. Use of the information on this site is at your own risk.

We reserve the right to modify or update these legal notices at any time.

For any questions or specific authorization requests, please contact us: