—- Legal Information —-
Property Owner
The site is owned by a Romanian commercial company: Ermitaj Malin SRL
- Tax Identification Number : 17971733
Organization of Activities
Ermitaj’s activities are managed through our non-profit association (ASBL), established under Belgian law: ERMITAJ PE VALE ASBL
- Company Number: 0687.915.486
- Registered office: Rue Paul Leduc 87 – 1030 Brussels (Belgium)
- Articles of association published in the Moniteur Belge
Other Entities Based at Ermitaj
Ermitaj Malin is much more than a location: it is a true hub, welcoming and supporting several partner projects that share our values and vision. Among them :
- Cultura de Ciuperci SRL
- Asociatia Romana de Permacultura, the romanian permaculture association, of which we are also active members.