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“In simple terms we learn from nature how to manage systems well which provide for all human needs. […] Looking after our people, our land and all living things. […] Bringing wealth creation to the places it is most needed with consequent improvement to health and happiness. The permaculture design course is an unforgettable and life-changing experience full of fascinating insights, helping you realise your life’s dreams, and supporting others to do the same.”
(Graham Bell)
The permaculture course will be given by Graham Bell, world-renowned author, teacher and practitioner of permaculture. The training takes place from 1st to 16th September 2018 at the Ermitaj. The Ermitaj is located in Malin, a small village in Nuseni commune in the district of Bistrita-Nasaud, one hour’s drive from Cluj-Napoca, Tîrgu Mures and Baia Mare.
Internationally recognized content
The PDC (Permaculture Design Course) is a course developed by Bill Mollison, co-creator of the term “permaculture” and co-author of the first book “Permaculture One”, with David Holmgren. The course is an entertaining, informative and life enhancing series of discussions, contemplating and practical exercises developed over thirty years experience. It is designed to empower people to be able to consciously choose ways of living essential to the construction of sustainability by meeting human needs whilst also respecting all life on earth and restoring our environment. Anyone participating will be awarded with internationally recognized certificates. These can be used as the starting point to go on and gain a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.
Permaculture is first defined as “the conscious conception of landscapes that mimic patterns and relationships observed in nature, aiming an abundant production of food, textile fibers and energy to meet local needs” (Permaculture 2, 1979)
Permaculture is largely interdisciplinary. It brings together and proposes a set of techniques and concepts borrowed as much from science and engineering as human experiences and accomplishments both traditional and new.
Permaculture is also a project management method. It strives to build sustainable human structures through the research and development of mutually beneficial interactions between economic, social, individual and natural systems. It covers land management, energy systems, the importance of plants, trees and wilderness, climate and weather and how we interact with all these. It starts with understanding what resources we have and how we can work from those to a better future for all. On this course you will learn about People Care, Earth Care, and Fair Shares.
In brief: Permaculture is a way of thinking and a reason to act. It stems from the understanding that there is no Planet B.
The trainer
Graham Bell is internationally known. He defines himself as a “global change agent”, devoting a large part of his time to sharing his knowledge and experience. He has expertise in several specialized fields: forest gardening and plant nursery management, resource management, energy efficiency, renewable energy … In Scotland, his own garden of 800m² produces 1.5 tons of fruit and vegetables a year, a yield of 16 tonnes per hectare. Its nursery is rich with 500 trees and 5000 plants. For 30 years, Graham has helped to set up thousands of permaculture projects on five continents and almost every latitude in both poor and rich countries. So, his expertise is also one of management. He is the first British man to receive the permaculture diploma from Bill Mollison in 1990 and has published numerous articles and two books: ‘The Permaculture Way’ and ‘The Permaculture Garden’.
Click here to find out more about the trainer
The place of training
The Ermitaj has been a pioneering player for permaculture in Romania, since it is here that the first PDCs of the country were organized with Steve Read and Pascal Depienne at the beginning of 2010.
The land of almost 8 hectares is located on the slopes of a hill at the foot of the Carpathians in an idyllic setting. Its characteristics and potential make it the perfect place to train for permaculture. The place is off-grid: no water, gas or electricity coming from the city, just mobile phone and internet access. It is composed of a young forest, old orchards, pastures, a pond, small streams, a difference in height of one hundred meters: micro-climates and challenges are therefore numerous. Ermitaj is a non-profit association.
Click here to find out more about the training place
Course format
The course format is 2 weeks residential. It includes a minimum of 72 hours of theory classes, several practical activities and evening entertainment. It will take place between September 1 and September 16, 2018. This means 13 full days of classes with one day off (Sunday 9th) .
The training is intense and unforgettable. It will allow you to create many friendly or professional connections, and enjoy the energy of a welcoming group. You will spend 15 days in the countryside and have the opportunity to recharge your batteries. You will leave the course with the enthusiasm and tools you need to get started in your own project, be it personal, family, associative or professional.
There is no prerequisite to participate. Anyone looking for inspiration or willing to master concepts and practice of permaculture are welcome.
The course will be taught in an English accessible to the greatest number. Two Romanian-English bilingual assistants are involved in the training and many spaces will be given for questions and answers.
There are three possibilities for accommodation: you can sleep in a dormitory (limited places), in a tent or in Beclean (15km away) where many hostels exist. We strongly advise you to stay on site.
The price includes full board. The food will be prepared by a team of fine cooks. These will be as much as possible attentive to individual diets.
The meals will be managed by the team of IncrEdible: the food will be mainly organic, local and from foraging product (wild plants and mushrooms). As food is an integral part of permaculture learning, special attention will be given to it, with a didactic aspect.
Between 495 and 825 euros (see the registration form)
Summary program of this course
- general attitudes
- ecology
- how to proceed
- skills, tools, methods
- design practice
- design presentation
- Soil
- Water
- Plants
- Food autonomy
- Constructions and infrastructures
- Resource Management
- Social context
Click here for a more detailed program overview
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