Newsletter winter 2017-2018

Hi everyone!

We stayed silent for a few months, but it doesn’t mean that we didn’t do anything!
During this winter, we made great progress for the project.
See instead:

The creation of the non-profit association “Ermitaj Pe Vale”

In January, we created a belgian non-profit association (NGO), that will manage all the activities at Ermitaj.

The statutes of the association (available here in French) will ensure that the fundamental values ​​of the project will always be respected, and that the money received or generated will be used for non-profit purposes: to improve the non-profit organization and the place that welcomes it.

This non-profit organization allows us to work in a transparent administrative structure that is easier for us to manage.

It will also make it possible to easily expand the team, by integrating new effective members, who will take an active part in the management of the project and its development.

This non-profit association will also facilitate fundraising, either through requests for subsidies or support fees from sympathizing members.

Do you want to invest in the project, or simply support us by becoming supporting member of the ASBL?

Nothing more simple, for all explanations, it’s here!

Update and translation of the website

As you can see, the Ermitaj website has been updated, and new content has appeared.

But the big news is that the entire site is now available also in English and Romanian!

Thanks to the small flags at the top right, you  can easily switch from one version to another.

We hope that this will bring us better visibility and will open new doors, abroad but also and especially in our host country, Romania.
Because a better local anchoring also goes through an accessible and effective communication!

From now, newsletters will also be available in all three languages.

Program of next summer at Ermitaj

The schedule of our activities is in working progress, and will be announced soon!

But to give you already an idea, here is an overview of some activities planned this summer (subject to confirmation):

– Weekends focused on gathering and cooking wild plants and mushrooms
– One (or more) weekend of introduction to permaculture (in Romanian)
– A “well-being” retreat (yoga, slow food, meditation …)
– Workshop(s) focused on sociocracy (decision making, NVC …)
– The welcoming of a scout camp
– Hiking and activities with donkeys
– Working days with volunteers, and “claca”
– Open days, festive meetings, …
– And … a Permaculture Design Course (in English) with … an internationally renowned teacher!

We do not tell you more for the moment 😉

Winter at Ermitaj

Enough speaking, this newsletter will not derogate from our habits: here are pictures of the winter at Ermitaj, from November to February!

Time is suspended, even if some wild animals roam around the farm (the chickens have been decimated), and our Ermite watches, while engaging in winter activities: renovation of furniture, crafts, … not to mention the party nights ang games by the fire!

Also, we are very sad to announce the passing of our dog and companion, Sherlock.



See you soon, with more information about our program 2018 at Ermitaj!