Towards Diploma in applied Permaculture Design

You want to register ? Please download, fill out and return this form by email to   Starting from the observation that in Romania, there is no permaculture teacher recognized by official networks, we want to give the opportunity to people already experienced in permaculture to get more tools to teach permaculture and to … Lire la suite

Cours certifié de design en permaculture

Vous souhaitez vous inscrire ? Merci de télécharger, remplir et nous renvoyer ce formulaire à l’adresse Merci de lire nos conditions générales Déjà expérimenté en permaculture ? « Nous apprenons de la nature comment gérer des systèmes efficients qui remplissent tous les besoins humains. […]. En se préoccupant des gens, de notre terre et de tous … Lire la suite

Ermitaj Malin long-term permaculture internship mentored by Pascal Depienne

You are already involved in permaculture and you want to go further on it ? You are looking for a place to practice, experience, learn and share about it ? You are looking forward to get your Permaculture Design Diploma? Ermitaj Malin gives you the opportunity :  – To develop and put your permaculture skills in action in … Lire la suite